This program consists of two parts. The first part can be attended as stand alone.
For those who want to learn or deepen their skills in organizational constellations, it’s required to attend both parts.
For the first part Systemic Interventions in Teams and Organizations it’s not required to have completed a basic training in constellations. This program is open for anyone working with teams and organizations. For team-coaches, consultants, change agents, HR-managers, (team-)leaders, business owners and constellators. It would be recommended though to have read about systemic work in organizations. For example ‘Systemic Leadership’ (Jan Jacob Stam) or ‘Teams, a love story’ (Jan Jacob Stam and Dees van de Hoef). For the whole program, the first ánd the second part: Organizational Constellations, it is required to have completed a training in (family) constellations or participating in such a training ánd it is required to attend the first part of this program as well. The reason is that during the first part of the program we will cover important systemic theory, needed for the second part.
Part one: Systemic Interventions in Teams and Organizations
November 26-28 2024
Investment €622 (incl. VAT)
For graduates of the Estonian Constellation Institute and long course students -10%.
Teams (and organizations) are like living beings with a will of their own and often a very good memory. Sometimes they move in exactly the opposite direction as the members of the team. Who should we address then? The members of the team or the whole entity called ‘team’?
By the way, for ‘team’ you can also read ‘organisation’, ’department’, ‘startup’, ‘association’ or ‘family business’.
In the systemic approach we look at teams and organizations as living systems.
The systemic view or systemic lens is a great addition to organizational-, managerial- and change paradigms. The eye-openers and insights coming from the systemic approach on organizational issues often gives new perspectives, new solutions, liberating solution-space and enable stuck-situations to turn into flow again.
Systemic tools are hands-on tools to be used in any team or organization (without using constellations).
What will we do and what will you learn?
In these three days, you will learn how to apply some tried-and-tested systemic interventions in teams. While some of these may be spatial, they are far from being constellations in the classic sense of the word.
- You will get a compact overview of the systemic phenomenologic theory an presuppositions.
- What is systemic intelligence and how to connect to the systemic intelligence present in organizations.
- You will learn what essentially systemic interventions are, and how to create the conditions that they can land.
- You will learn the distinction between first order, second order and third order interventions.
- You will learn to ask second order questions which you can use in any form of systemic coaching.
- You will learn the difference between official function and systemic function.
- You will learn to explore with a team which team roles are necessary in order to function well
- You will learn 11 conditions fro teams to flourish.
- We will cover some often seen patterns in organizations: what are they; how do they show and what are their symptoms; and what could be interventions.
- You will explore the question from which inner place or systemic role you do the interventions and what effect this has on the outcome.
- We will explain the ‘orders of interventions’, giving you a deeper sense of: ‘What needs to be done and what could be the first step?’
- You will be able to explore how your own patterns play into the intervention and your work in the team, and how to use these patterns instead of being counterproductive.
- We will introduce and practice at least five or six different interventions, in a way that will enable you to carry them out yourself afterwards.
- Cases of participants are very welcome. We will work with some of them and use these at the same to learn.
In short: there is a lot to learn here, from hands-on work to developing your capacity as an ’intervener’
Part two: Organizational Constellations for Family Constellators.
November 30-December 2, 2024
Investment part one + two €1098 (incl. VAT)
For graduates of the Estonian Constellation Institute and long course students -10%.
The aim of this program is to get family constellators acquainted with and well equipped to facilitate organizational constellations.
This program will consists of inputs of practical theory, practices, demonstrations and Q&A.
Program ingredients:
- Differences between family systems and organizational systems
- Distinction between person and function
- Which elements to use and which ones not to use in organizational constellations.
- The art of second order interventions in constellations.
- How to do a starting interview with a whole team.
- Team-constellation: constellation with a whole team
- Using the team members as representatives or invite representatives from outside.
- Three kinds of Consultation constellations.
- Scenario constellations: constellating different scenario’s of possible future structures
- Introduction in the TransitionStudio teamsurveys to get a systemic team-diagnose without having to interview all team members.
- Constellations to explore the right quantity of investment,
- And other applications and forms of organizational constellations. Jan Jacob has developed over 25 different forms of organizational constellations and we will share, demonstrate and practice those who are relevant for the participants.
- Ethical considerations.
- When nót to use constellations, do’s and don’ts.
For both parts:
- We will provide some handouts in Estonian and English as a support for your learning.
- We will apply the rules for confidentiality, non-judgement and will create a space for learning, exploring, failing and learning again.
By whom?
Jan Jacob Stam & Dees van de Hoef, from the Netherlands, all over the world
Jan Jacob works full time with constellations for 25 years now. He founded four companies related to systemic work. He wrote six books and organized eleven international congresses. He developed many training programs and worked in over forty countries.
Nevertheless it’s his curiosity that drives him.
‘I still feel like a little boy on the beach of the vast ocean of knowledge, finding beautiful shells washed ashore….. I’m just at the right moment at the right place. Being grateful for that.’
Dees van de Hoef has a lifetime experience in HR, project- and interim management especially in assignments with the label: ‘hardly possible’. Dees’ mindset is focused on ‘it ís possible’, with keeping her feet both firm on the ground and finding practical interventions for systemic complicated issues. She has ten years experience in systemic work.
Dees: ‘My love for people, teams and organizations has always been strong. Therefor all my work is embedded in deep compassion for human beings, living and working together, even in the hardest circumstances.’
Dees and Jan Jacob work together for four years now, using their differences in favor of the teams they work with, this way enabling a lot of their potential to flow.
‘Our aim is to free unused potential in teams, organizations and persons, meeting them as one human being to the other human being. We connect with ánd respect the good reasons why teams and individuals are as they are. As travel companions’.
Part One only: Systemic interventions in teams and organisations
November 26-28 2024/ 3 days.
€ 622 (incl. VAT)
For those who have completed the long course of the Estonian Constellation Institute or who are still participants -10%.
Tea, coffee and snacks during the breaks are included in the price. Lunch is not included.
Part two: Organisational constellations and systemic interventions in teams and organisations
November 26-28 and November 30 – December 2, 2024/ 6 days
€ 1098 (incl. VAT)
For those who have completed the long course of the Estonian Constellation Institute or who are still participants -10%.
Location: Hestia Hotel Europa, Paadi 5, Tallinn Estonia
Translation: English to Estonian
Additional info: Kadri Riisik, tel. +372 52 76 247, kadri @ empaat.ee